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Example searches

The following examples are intended to show some of possible types of search that are possible.

Strawberry-tree from Kerry
Records of Arbutus unedo from Kerry (either VCH1 or VCH2).
Woody plants from SD59
This query uses two fields, to specify hectad SD59 and a match with the PLANTATT woodiness attribute list (specifying a value of 'w' to signify woody).
Records collected by F. Druce prior to 1930
To search for people efficiently, start typing their surname, then pick the name from the drop-down list.
List of Carex sp. in VC60
A search using taxa, rather than records as the primary field. The link records query dictates that only records from VC60 are wanted. If the record set wasn't linked then the search would just give a list of species names without frequencies.
VC40 Bluebells from hectads which also have red campion.
This is a join between two record queries, using hectad as the common factor. The result set returns the bluebell records from VC 40, where there is also a record of S. dioica in the the tetrad. I've had problems getting queries such as this to work consistenly quickly - further work is needed, but as a work around currently try to restrict both queries as much as possible (e.g. the duplicate statement of VC40 for both queries - which technically shouldn't be neccessary.
Records from a specified literature source
This type of search of search is possible, but improvements are needed.

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